Monday, February 06, 2006


Serenade me
through walls and bounderies
between us.

I'm a long way from you,
but each night I sleep,
with your assuring melodies.

There, behind the glass of fame,
you fail to see me staring,
seeing you...

It's a tough world, divided...
you in my fiction, and me,
far in my reality.

But still,
I can close my eyes
and see you instead, staring...
seeing me.



  1. The theme of sight is very powerful. Well-done :)

  2. "you in my fiction" i read this and can really relate to having feelings for a fictional character because they embody all that i'm looking for and how i wish they were present in my reality...great poem.

  3. I love the majical quality of it: seeing through the glass.

  4. Wow. For me, this piece is especially powerful. I have a favorite singer that struck a chord in me and caused me to start writing. I can only listen from afar, as you say. But sometimes wonder what it would be like to meet that person and say hello.

    I really enjoy your work. Your narrative has a very natural, easy feel to it. Like its a piece of clothing that fits so well you don't even realize you are wearing it.

  5. thank you ep! I loved how you described it - magical =)

    thank you anonymous poet! Your comment warms the heart =)
